People has been using clays as skin care products since ancient times. Clays are naturally-occurring silicates of the earth, containing minerals, trace elements and nutrients. When used as face and body masks, they help absorb excess oil, dirt and toxins, while simultaneously exfoliating dead skin cells and improving the skin’s circulation. They help purify, nourish and tone the skin and leave it feeling youthful and soft.
I have used red clay in English Rose Soap.
Recipe for Red Clay Mask
In a glass, pottery or wooden bowl, mix 2 tsp of red powder clay with mineral, plain or distilled water until you obtain a creamy paste. Allow the clay to stand for a few minutes to absorb the moisture. Apply to cleansed face and throat, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes, or when the clay dries completely. You may experience a slight redness, which soon disappears. Stop using the mask if a rash appears. Use this mask at least twice a week as part of your complete skin care regimen. For an enhanced experience, mix the red clay with aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar or floral waters. Alternatively, add finely-ground herbs or essential oils such as chamomile, marigold, calendula petals and peppermint leaves, lavender, juniper, rose, geranium and marshmallow root.